Found Art Suitcase, Walnut Wood, Acrylic Paint, Clock Motor
17.5” x 12.75” x 4”
“A Hand in the Birth and Death of Humanity” references the time-based degradation of human life through studies of Michelangelo’s fresco paintings of the Sistine Chapel. A clock mechanism moves the “hour hand”, in this case a single viewport only showing one full study every hour and hiding the other eleven, to portray the passing of time and life. The found wooden art box that houses the “clock” represents the control of a higher or divine being in the movement of the universe and mortal life. The content of some of the referenced paintings exhibit God as an omniscient and omnipresent being that surrounds and compartmentalizes the universe into different binaries, such as separating light from dark, water from land, man from nature, women from man, etc.